Get ready for the most educational cyber security conference of 2020, CPX 360. This is the one event where Check Point shares the stage with other industry experts to deliver the latest in cyber innovation and news in security. You’ll hear industry leaders sharing insights, research and strategies to help stay ahead of evolving cyber security trends at our events in Bangkok, New Orleans and Vienna.

Cyber Talk Keynotes

These TED-like sessions bring together Check Point executives, top cyber security experts, technology partners, and customers who will share the information that you need to stay ahead in your role.

We are excited to announce our featured speaker in New Orleans and Vienna, Clint Watts, former FBI Special Agent. He will reveal the inner world of cyber terrorism and espionage and expose how cyber criminals are using misinformation campaigns to influence our everyday decisions.

Clint Watts is a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute and at the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at the George Washington University, as well as a national security contributor for NBC News and MSNBC. He’s the author of the book Messing with the Enemy.

Additional Tracks

In addition to our Cyber Talk keynotes, you’ll have the opportunity to attend our Best Practices workshops, experience Technology Innovation sessions, and test drive our latest technology through our Hands On Labs. You will also have the chance to interact with Check Point and our ecosystem partners in the Expo for innovative and emerging solutions.

For more information, visit our website or download our Event Overview Guide. We look forward to meeting you there.

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