Deliver Security and Trust to IoT, with this IoT Security Guide by IDC

- As organizations seek to deliver security and trust to the IoT, they must focus on the following architectural components:
- Connectivity, including service enablement
- Hardware, including IoT module/sensors, security, servers, storage, and other hardware
- Software, including analytics, applications, IoT purpose-built platforms, and security software
- Environment, including unique requirements driven by operational technologies
Check Point Software recently commissioned IDC to write the IDC Technology Spotlight, IoT Security Guide: Challenges and Solutions. As the IoT and OT continue to deliver value year after year, the adoption and proliferation of IoT capabilities also brings new risks. Put simply, security for IoT/OT devices must be top of mind considering how usage scenarios may be affected by compromises to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.
It should come as no surprise just how detrimental an IoT related cyber-attack can be. We’ve seen recent attacks like the breach at Verkada, leave companies exposed; ultimately allowing the cyber criminals access to confidential information and data all through a lack of IoT Security. These attacks vary, as IoT can be vulnerable to attacks like, botnets, DDoS, crypto mining, Mirai attacks, and much more.
It is estimated that around 67% of enterprises and 82% of healthcare organizations have experienced an IoT related security incident. On top of that, attacks on critical infrastructure have increased 2,000% year-over-year. In addition, if you are on the IoT device manufacturing side, you should be concerned about potential liability implications (e.g. drones, routers, robot, cleaners, etc.). An alarming amount of these devices can be easily hacked due to outdated firmware, weak built-in passwords, legacy operating systems, and more. (Source Link)
For an in-depth discussion on how you can protect each of the elements outlined in the highlights above, and their corresponding interaction with other components, read the IDC Technology Spotlight – IoT Security Guide: Challenges and Solutions.
In addition, at the end of the guide, you’ll learn how Check Point can step up to the plate when it comes to facing these challenges and offering solutions for IoT Security.
Prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. Adopt a more powerful IoT Security posture today. Get the guide now.