We re-ordered things in the Quarantine Settings page to improve usability.

The Quarantine Settings page in Harmony Email & Collaboration was previously used only to configure some basic restore requests settings.

With the introduction of the Unified Quarantine 18 months ago, the number of features we introduced in that section went through the roof.

Some examples:

  • Unified daily digest with Microsoft
  • Automatic restoring of emails falsely quarantined by Microsoft
  • A unified end user portal to present emails quarantined both by Check Point and Microsoft
  • End user authentication settings
  • And more.

So it is now time to re-organize the page to help you find the settings you are looking for.

The page will now include 5 sections:

  1. End User Permissions – What users can see and do on emails quarantined by Microsoft and how they will need to authenticate to perform restore-related actions
  2. Override Microsoft Enforcement – Which emails you wish to automatically restore from the Microsoft quarantine or redirect from the Junk folder to the inbox
  3. End User Portal – Permitted authentication methods and end-user allowance to display images
  4. End User Quarantine Report (Digest) – Scheduling, sender and recipients and what content the digest should include
  5. Reviewing Restore Requests – Automated workflows to handle restore requests and configuring end user notification settings

Note – This feature is being deployed gradually. You should see it in your portal in the next 7 days.

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