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Implement a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program with Check Point IGS Consulting Services

In today’s constantly evolving threat landscape, it is more important than ever to have a strong security posture in place. Threat actors are becoming more sophisticated and are increasing their rate of attacks – according to Check Point Research, cyber attacks increased 28% in Q1’2024. Many organizations rely on their CISOs to understand the risks and threats which they could be exposed to – but this is becoming an increasingly challenging task as they are also tasked with enabling the business. This means that having an easy way to view and analyze cyber security metrics is essential for CISOs to evaluate their organization’s cyber defenses and cyber security posture.

Challenges of a CISO

But accessing cyber security metrics can be a challenge for CISOs. The metrics are not always readily available in a single dashboard and may not be real-time.

Thus, a CISO needs a proactive program that allows them to predict, project, evaluate and measure business damage caused by possible future attacks as a result of existing unknown vulnerabilities. With new NIST CSFv2, NIS2, and DORA regulations, it’s also important that the CISO has validation of their current cyber defense technologies and incident response process of post-attack remediation.

Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) is an evolving framework and strategic program, part of a general cyber security strategy developed by CISOs, that focuses on the continuous identification, assessment, and mitigation of cyber threats and vulnerabilities within an organization’s digital environment.

According to the Garner report “By 2026, organizations prioritizing their security investments based on a CTEM program will realize a two-thirds reduction in breaches.”

Implementing CTEM effectively requires a structured approach that can adapt to the dynamic nature of cyber threats and the IT landscape.

Five Phases of CTEM Program

There are five phases that outline how CTEM can be delivered, from initial scoping to taking action:


Check Point Infinity Global Services offers multiple services to assist CISOs in implementing and managing an effective and robust CTEM program within their organization:

Implementing CTEM with Check Point IGS Consulting Services will enable CISOs and organizations to proactively manage their cyber threat exposure, reducing the likelihood and impact of any possible security incidents in the future.

Contact a Check Point Security Expert today for more information on how to get started on your CTEM program.

Infinity Global Services:
Check Point offers comprehensive managed security services through its Infinity Global Services. These services include threat research, MDR, risk assessment, proactive monitoring, professional services, and top-notch training. Our suite of cyber security services provides end-to-end protection – from initial assessment and design to ongoing training and optimization to rapid response – ensuring the highest level of security. Backed by world-class experts and real-time threat intelligence, our extensive range of services helps safeguard organizations of all sizes.


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