The navigation menu for the different exceptions has been consolidated, along with other small navigation changes

Over the last 12 months we have broadened Harmony Email & Collaboration’s feature set significantly.

With a fast growing customer base, we needed to put in place a rich set of exceptions (allow lists and block lists mostly).

Now it is time to tidy up the navigation a bit.

As a first step, we no longer have separate main navigation windows for allow lists and block lists. Rather, we have consolidated all the exceptions of a specific security engine in one page.

Inside any of the security engine exception pages, you toggle between the different exception lists.

In addition, the list of requests to restore cleaned attachments is now in the same page with the quarantine restore requests.

Finally – we added a link from Mail Explorer to the Custom Queries, so you can easily switch between running simple and fast queries to a more advanced reporting and hunting tool.

More navigation improvements will be introduced in the coming weeks.

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