
In the fast-evolving landscape of cyber security, where threats loom large and innovation is constant, staying ahead of the curve is imperative. At CPX 2024, a pivotal event in the realm of cyber security hosted by Check Point, a groundbreaking development took center stage – CloudGuard CNAPPP. Let’s delve into the intricacies of this transformative technology and its implications for cloud security. 

Understanding the CNAPP Landscape

CNAPP, or Cloud Native Application Protection Platforms, has emerged as a cornerstone in modern cyber security strategies. As organizations increasingly migrate their operations to the cloud, ensuring the security of cloud-native applications becomes paramount. CNAPPs are designed to address this need by offering comprehensive protection throughout the application lifecycle – from development and deployment to runtime.

These platforms leverage advanced techniques to identify vulnerabilities, prioritize risks, and implement robust security measures. By integrating seamlessly into cloud environments, CNAPPs enable organizations to safeguard their applications against a myriad of threats, including malware, data breaches, and unauthorized access.

Addressing the Gaps: The CNAPP+P Solution

While CNAPPs offer significant benefits, they are not without limitations. One notable gap lies in runtime security—the ability to defend applications against threats in real-time. Traditional CNAPPs often lack the capability to provide inline prevention, leaving organizations vulnerable to attacks during runtime.

Enter CNAPP+P – a revolutionary advancement in cloud security. Developed by Check Point, CNAPP+P bridges the gap in runtime security by delivering inline prevention for cloud-native applications. Check Point is the first vendor to offer customers the ability to prevent attacks from their inception at the Front Door (Web Applications & API) and the Service Door, ultimately ensuring comprehensive defense against threats, safeguarding network traffic and data integrity in the cloud—all in one centralized cloud security solution–CloudGuard.

The Power Under the Hood

CloudGuard CNAPP+P is more than just a conventional security solution – it represents a paradigm shift in cloud security architecture. By integrating Cloud Native WAF and Network Security capabilities, CNAPP+P offers unparalleled protection against a wide range of threats, including OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities, DDoS attacks, and zero-day exploits.

The platform’s sophisticated framework incorporates advanced features such as real-time alerts, telemetry, and contextual analysis, enabling organizations to proactively detect and mitigate threats before they escalate. With CNAPP+P, organizations can achieve a higher level of security posture, bolstering their resilience against evolving cyber threats.

CheckPoint CloudGuard CNAPP+P: A Unified Force in Cyber Security

At CPX 2024, Check Point unveiled CloudGuard CNAPP+P – the industry’s first Cloud Native Application Protection Platform with prevention. This groundbreaking solution combines the power of Cloud Native WAF and Network Security into a single, integrated platform, offering comprehensive protection for cloud-native workloads.

CloudGuard CNAPP+P empowers organizations to fortify their cloud environments against emerging threats, reducing blind spots and attack vectors. With advanced capabilities such as GEN AI for automated decision-making, CNAPP+P enables organizations to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving threat landscape.


As organizations navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, the need for robust cloud security solutions has never been greater. With CloudGuard, organizations can embrace the future of cloud security with confidence, knowing that their cloud-native applications are protected against evolving cyber threats. Embrace the power of CloudGuard and embark on a journey to a more secure and resilient cloud environment.

Schedule a demo today and to see CloudGuard in action, and get personalized expert guidance on meeting your organization’s cloud security needs.

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If you have any other questions, please contact your local Check Point account representative or channel partner using the contact us link.

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