SandBlast Mobile delivers new Orange Mobile Threat Protection service

Mobile devices are critical to every organization’s digital transformation initiative. But for hackers set on stealing sensitive business data, mobile devices are the new back door to the enterprise network.
In fact, 20% of all businesses have been breached and an even larger number has no idea whether they’ve experienced a mobile attack, according to a recent survey conducted by Dimensional Research.
To combat these burgeoning mobile attacks, Orange Cyberdefense, a division of the Orange Group focused on cybersecurity, and Check Point have partnered to secure enterprise mobile devices with a new Orange service called Mobile Threat Protection.
By leveraging Check Point’s state-of-the-art SandBlast Mobile technology, this Orange-managed service embeds a user-friendly app that runs in the background of iOS and Android devices. Orange Mobile Threat Protection defends mobile devices from a wide range of attacks, including:
- Zero-day malware and malware infected apps
- Man-in-the-middle attacks on compromised public Wi-Fi networks
- Malicious links sent through SMS
- Operating system exploits
By joining forces, Check Point and Orange offer a powerful, competitive solution for organizations seeking to protect their fleet of mobile devices against emerging and current threats, making it safer for businesses to productively use mobile devices.
To learn more about all that we’re doing in advancing mobile security, join us for a webinar on March 7th, where experts from Orange Cyber Defense and Check Point will share practical advice, bust some common mobile security myths, and offer cutting-edge insights about the global mobile threat landscape.
Learn more about Check Point SandBlast Mobile here.