Increased Remote Workers + Global Pandemic = Need for Hyperscale Network Security
What is Hyperscale Network Security you ask? An architecture offering secure flexibility and ease-of-use as business and technical requirements change. This is exactly what Check Point Maestro can do. Our business operations and technical requirements have never been under so much stress as they are now against the increase of traffic we are experiencing and the rise of remote workers across the globe. As a reminder, over 90% of our web traffic is encrypted putting stress on those appliances that can’t handle the performance or scale. We are faced with unpredictable traffic peaks while upgrades can take time and valuable resources.
The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. recently published a whitepaper “Check Point Maestro and the Need for Hyperscale Network Security” that examines why cybersecurity professionals and organizations have turned to public/private cloud infrastructures as a modern platform for developing, hosting, and operating business applications. This is critical in keeping pace with the latest business needs and having the security in place to stop sophisticated cyber-attacks.
It’s time that network security takes a page out of cloud computing with a hyperscale architecture built to grow with changing traffic patterns and business requirements.
Check Point Maestro is designed with these requirements in mind as it supports on-demand hyperscale network security services with cloud level expansion and resiliency. Cybersecurity professionals, CISOs and organizations looking to improve network security headroom, increase agility, and streamline operations should explore how Check Point Maestro can help them achieve these goals.
Read the Check Point Maestro and the Need for Hyperscale Network Security whitepaper to learn how traditional security appliances are no longer able to scale to meet unpredictable traffic peaks and why Check Point Maestro meets growing network security needs today.
Click here if you’re interested to hear what others have said, or watch the video now and see how a major Aerospace company optimizes their Network security with Check Point Maestro
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