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Transforming MSSPs into Thought Leaders

A New Paradigm for Sales Motions

Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) know that the Quarterly Business Review (QBR) with clients often masquerades as an opportunity to pitch new services, upsell existing ones, and raise bottom line. However, as the cybersecurity arena continues to evolve, it becomes increasingly apparent that the traditional sales-centric approach is no longer relevant for the long game with clients.

Today’s MSSPs are realizing that cybersecurity clients expect more from their service provider. They want to be mentored by creative thought leadership and advised by experts who understand their core needs. Consequently, MSSPs are called to steer clear from just ‘pushing product’ and instead, embrace a more consultative role.  Doing so will inevitably encourage client retention and pave the way for long, valuable partnerships – win-win for all.

Sales-Focused QBRs: The Downside

For years, MSSP clients have often found themselves sitting captive in meeting rooms, bombarded with pitches and sales tactics, rather than opportunities for genuine collaboration and improvement. This often leads to a breakdown in trust, the outcome of which is never positive.

The Value and Return on Being a Thought Leader

On the flip side, the emergence of the thought leader approach enables and empowers MSSPs to become trusted advisors – a complete breath of fresh air for both MSSPs and their clients.  By shifting the focus from sales to education and value delivery, MSSPs and clients stand to gain a variety of benefits.

Among them:

  1. Stronger client relationships built on trust and collaboration.
  2. Open dialogues based on the sharing of critical information.
  3. Guidance-seeking on strategic security decisions.
  4. Positioning as leaders and experts in the field
  5. Increased business leading to revenue growth.

Moreover, and most importantly, by demonstrating a genuine commitment to clients’ success and security, MSSPs gain key access to strategic business opportunities. In essence, the value and return on being a thought leader or trusted advisor extends far beyond financial gains, encompassing reputation enhancement, client satisfaction, and business growth.

Strategies and Actionable Steps for Thought Leadership

So how can MSSPs go about this shift in approach? Here are our top tips:

1. Redefine QBR Goals towards Education and Strategic Value

In short – play your hand well. Be of value. Be indispensable.

Here’s how:

After that, advise, advise, advise on:

2. Foster Open Dialogue and Partnership

Encouraging a culture of open communication is crucial for building strong advisory relationships. By creating an environment where clients can feel comfortable sharing their concerns and aspirations freely, MSSPs have a platform to strengthen the partnership and gain valuable insights into clients’ evolving needs and priorities.

Such encouragement might look like this:

3. Implement Feedback Mechanisms and Measure Success Beyond Sales:

By collecting and acting on client feedback, MSSPs can fine-tune their thought leadership and advisory approach to better meet client needs. Additionally, adopting new metrics that focus on client satisfaction, engagement, and the quality of cybersecurity dialogue allows MSSPs to measure the success of their QBRs beyond just sales figures.

Here’s how MSSPs might want to go about it:

Securing a Future as Thought Leaders

In conclusion, the transition from the traditional sales-centric approach to one where MSSPs become thought leaders and trusted advisors through educational engagement is critical for MSSPs to secure their future in the cybersecurity arena. By making this shift, MSSPs position themselves as invaluable partners to clients, ensuring their value at the meeting room table.

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