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Server-Side Template Injection: A Critical Vulnerability Threatening Web Applications

Summary :

Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) vulnerabilities have emerged as a significant threat to web applications. A Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) vulnerability occurs when user input is improperly handled and injected into a web application’s template engine, which then dynamically generates HTML content by combining templates with data. When exploited, SSTI allows attackers to inject malicious code into these templates, potentially leading to unauthorized access, data theft, and server compromise. Additionally, they can exploit further vulnerabilities within the application, amplifying the potential damage.

Recent trends indicate an alarming rise in SSTI vulnerabilities, with critical CVEs affecting various popular web applications. SSTI affects various template engines, such as Jinja2 for Python, Freemarker for Java, and Twig for PHP. The widespread use of these engines across different programming environments and the remote exploitability and high-impact nature of SSTI attacks, make them particularly dangerous.

Impact of SSTI attacks on industry

Addressing SSTI vulnerabilities is a critical priority for organizations involved in web application development and maintenance, especially as there is widespread use of template engines and the common need for dynamic content generation based on user input. It requires robust security practices, including secure coding techniques, regular vulnerability assessments, and prompt patching of software to mitigate these risks effectively.

Key Risks of SSTI

Arbitrary Code Execution

SSTI vulnerabilities enable attackers to execute arbitrary code on the server, which can lead to complete system compromise. This means that attackers can run any command or program on the affected server, potentially gaining full control over the system. This level of access can be used to install malware, create backdoors, or disrupt services.

Data Theft

Sensitive information, including business data, user credentials, and configuration files, can be accessed and stolen through SSTI attacks. For example, an attacker can inject a payload that reads and exfiltrates sensitive files or database records. This can lead to significant financial and reputational damage, especially if personal or confidential information is exposed.

Reputation Damage

Data breaches resulting from SSTI vulnerabilities can erode customer trust and lead to legal and regulatory consequences. Organizations affected by such breaches may face fines, lawsuits, and a loss of business. The long-term impact on brand reputation can be severe, affecting customer loyalty and market position.

Detailed Insights into Impact and Risks

High-Profile Examples

Several high-profile platforms have been targeted due to SSTI vulnerabilities:

In the Wild Examples

Figure 1: Jinja2 SSTI payload leverages template context manipulation.

In the following Python example, the payload is rendered in a Jinja2 template. It attempts to execute the nslookup command which triggers a DNS lookups query or an HTTP request to an attacker-controlled server.

Figure 5: Payload accessing global variables to execute the nslookup OS command.

Addressing SSTI Vulnerabilities

Secure Coding Practices

Implementing secure coding practices is essential to prevent SSTI vulnerabilities:

Regular Vulnerability Assessments

Conduct regular vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate SSTI and other vulnerabilities:

Prompt Patching and Updates

Keep software components and dependencies up-to-date to mitigate known vulnerabilities:

Check Point’s Intrusion Prevention Systems blocks attempts to exploit weaknesses in vulnerable systems or applications, protecting users in the race to exploit the latest breaking threat. Check Point IPS protections in our Next Generation Firewall are updated automatically. Whether the vulnerability was released years ago, or a few minutes ago, Check Point customers remain protected from such weaknesses from these vulnerable systems in organizations.

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